Introducing the First Covenant
Here we present the ancient, eternal Divine system called the First Covenant (also called the Noachide Covenant, the Rainbow Covenant, and the Universal Covenant) to bring all human beings into conscious, voluntary service of El, or God (borrowing the word for deity from ancient German paganism), the eternal heavenly Creator and Master of all things, the "King" of Israel - also called "the Lord."
The First or Rainbow Covenant is the original Biblical covenant with mankind's legendary common ancestors, the Universal Covenant, associated with the rainbow. "I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and Earth." (Genesis 9)
A covenant is a formal, solemn, binding agreement - a contract, but on steroids. El, the Creator, entered into the First Covenant with Adam and Eve in the Garden, the Bible teaches, in the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis; and then amplified and extended it, ten generations later, with Noah (in Hebrew, No'ach) and his wife (Na'ama) and ALL their children and descendants (Genesis 9). Every human being is directly descended from Noah and Na'ama: we are ALL "children of Noah" (in Hebrew, b'nei No'ach) and subject to that covenant.
Our focus here, obviously, isn't just theology - knowledge of "theos," or Deity - but the remarkable Divine rules and instructions established in this system for living a moral, fully human, joyous life.
El, or Yah, God, HaShem, or El-Shaddai, the Lord, holds us all responsible, the Torah teaches, for upholding and advancing certain fundamental principles.
These principles, "the Commandments of the Descendants of Noach," are said to number seven. Hebrew Tradition (the Torah, the Teaching, or Guidance, which is the Bible (from Genesis to Psalms and Proverbs to the end of Chronicles, NOT including the so-called Christian "New Testament") teaches that all seven flow logically and directly from His great Revelation to all humanity that He created us - all of us, every human being - as uniquely exalted, spiritually promising creatures under Heaven: that we are all fundamentally brothers, of every culture, race and nation, and that each of us is sacred, on a level with every human being, and that He, amazingly, loves us all, individually and together, like a Father.
The main point is that He, the infinite, unknowable but altogether awesome "Father" - the unimaginable eternal super-intelligent living Being Who is the Creator, Judge and Lord of the whole cosmos, and every point and particle within them - created us all. And that He Who lovingly grants us life and free will also blesses us with the gift of His awesome, just, compassionate and altogether holy guiding instructions, principles and commandments.
First Covenant was founded by an American Jewish writer and lawyer, a Noachide former Baptist pastor and writer, and an Orthodox rabbi, Michael Katz. Rabbi Katz provides rabbinic supervision, trying to insure the kashrut - the kosher quality - of all our work product, including every Covenant Connection.
If God does not exist, nothing matters.
If He does exist - nothing else matters.
First Covenant is a U.S. IRS 501(C)(3) non-profit foundation
Donations are fully tax deductible for those who itemize.